Am I Sleep - Deprived and Tired - or Could I Be Depressed?

sleep deprivation or depression

Anytime we can’t sleep or don’t sleep enough, no  matter what the cause, leaves us tired and often in a bad mood.

 But what is the difference between being tired and fatigued because you are sleep-deprived – or depressed?


Symptoms of BOTH sleep deprivation and depression:

  • Fatigue
  • exhaustion,
  • irritability,
  • lack of motivation,
  • anxiety and
  • tearfulness

Those symptoms can all occur as a result of sleep deprivation – and also of depression.  No wonder people are confused as to what to do!

And often, people who are labeled  with insomnia will also get the label depression over time…

How can you know the difference?

The average adult needs between 7 and 8 hours of sleep per night.

If we incur an ongoing sleep debt each night, we typically feel sleepy in the daytime.

But other symptoms of sleep deprivation can include:

  • Excessive yawning
  • Forgetfulness
  • Clumsiness
  • Feeling "fuzzy" or unfocused
  • Greater appetite
  • Dulled sex drive
  • Irritability
sleep deprivation depression fatigue

On the other hand, symptoms of depression often involve:

  • Consistent trouble sleeping, or sleeping too much
  • Significant weight loss or gain
  • Agitation
  • Feelings of worthlessness
  • Excessive guilt
  • Trouble thinking or concentrating
  • Trouble making decisions
  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide

Depression - as can chronic fatigue syndrome can make it hard to function at all. Even dragging yourself out of bed in the morning to the coffee machine or having a shower can seem like an unsurmountable obstacle.

Depression also cannot be cured by a good night’s sleep. It typically lasts more than two weeks and involves a severe loss of interest, joy and functioning.

So what can we do about it?

Sometimes sleep just doesn't help. Depression really is just a symptom of one or many underlying causes. It is like “chest pain” of the mood that needs to be investigated and addressed to be resolved.

 You may need to change the way you eat, discover toxins or infections, allergies or other causes.

If you are depressed, often you will be prescribed medication or counseling. That can be very helpful, but is often just a band-aid fix and doesn’t lead to a lasting or full recovery.

I developed a process to AIM for Brain Health:

A – Assess        ( Find the root causes of your depression)

I – Intervene   (Eliminate and address the causes)

M – Maintain  (Develop your individual maintenance program to stay well for good)


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About the author

Dr. Christine Sauer

Dr. Christine Sauer, MD, ND is a German-trained, retired conventional as well as naturopathic physician, a Certified Brain, and Mental Health Coach and a Nutrition, Supplementation, Weight Loss and Emotional Eating Expert. Through her own journey from the successful owner of a large medical practice in Germany through the abyss of mental and physical illness to complete recovery, she discovered her unique process, combining education, life and health coaching, to help her clients to "Recover Your Sparkle", to achieve lasting peace, joy, and 5-dimensional health. Her mission is to be a beacon for love, joy, and peace in this scary world. Her hobbies are science, learning new things, cooking, gardening, and her husband and dog.
She is also an international #1 bestselling author, TEDx speaker, mentor and trainer for other coaches and a loving human being!

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