Lately, there have been more and more diseases associated with inflammatory changes.

In my opinion, there are 4 distinct stages of abnormal inflammation that lead to a succession of chronic diseases and illnesses.

Stage 1 | Slight chronic Inflammation

Symptoms you may feel are Fatigue, Insomnia, Brain Fog, “Aches and Pains”, Weight Change

Stage 2 | Moderate chronic Inflammation

Symptoms you may feel are Bloating, Cramps, “IBS”, Recurrent infections (skin, respiratory tract), seasonal Allergies, slight “Allergies”, Eczema, Food intolerances and “sensitivities”

Stage 3 | Severe chronic inflammation

Diagnosable diseases you may “have”: Chronic Diseases (“of Aging??”), Some Depressions and probably some other mental illnesses, Autoimmune diseases (Psoriasis, severe Eczema, M. Crohn, Colitis ulcerosa, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus and more…), Probably also: Fibromyalgia, Heart disease, Cancer, Obesity, Diabetes, Dementia, chronic Pain, ADD, ADHD, Autism (diseases of “our time”)

Stage 4 | End-Stage Inflammation

What does that look like? End-stage Cancer, Severe Bone deformities, End-stage Heart failure, End-stage Dementia, Blindness, Amputations…

Stages 1-3 are reversible if addressed properly.


About the author

Dr. Christine Sauer

Dr. Christine Sauer, MD, ND is a German-trained, retired conventional as well as naturopathic physician, a Certified Brain, and Mental Health Coach and a Nutrition, Supplementation, Weight Loss and Emotional Eating Expert. Through her own journey from the successful owner of a large medical practice in Germany through the abyss of mental and physical illness to complete recovery, she discovered her unique process, combining education, life and health coaching, to help her clients to "Recover Your Sparkle", to achieve lasting peace, joy, and 5-dimensional health. Her mission is to be a beacon for love, joy, and peace in this scary world. Her hobbies are science, learning new things, cooking, gardening, and her husband and dog.
She is also an international #1 bestselling author, TEDx speaker, mentor and trainer for other coaches and a loving human being!

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